Andrej Rapant was born in 1978 and he lives in Trnava, Slovakia.
He has been devoted to music for 15 years already. He took 8 years of study of guitar playing at The Elementary Artistic School in Trnava, Slovakia. When he was in the first year of his study at a grammar school, he started attending rehearsals of a singing choir Cantica nova, whose conductor was and still is Mr Gabriel Kalapos. That was his first contact with choir singing. After graduating the grammar school and finishing his attendance in the choir Cantica nova, he continued with his studies at The University of Economics in Bratislava (the capital of Slovakia) and with choir singing in the mixed choir Tirnavia, in which many fans from the choir Cantica nova continued as well.
Along with singing in Tirnavia he was active also in other musical activities - he is one of the original members of a Vocal Group Kruhy, he regularly cooperates with a singing choir Musica Vocalis. He performs in Bratislava as well - in chamber choir Voci Festose, cooperation with a choir Camerata, Slovak Philharmonic Choir, and others.
As a singer he also took part in a preparation of concerts in cooperation with musicians like Steven Stubbs, James Levine, Simon Standage. Even the cooperation with slovak conductors like Branislav Kostka, Gabriel Kalapos, Martin Majkut, Anton Popovic, Jan Rozenhal, Ondrej Saraj, and others, brought significant experience which will surely help him in his future conductor career.
He became a member of the choir Tirnavia in 1996 and in March 2003 he became its conductor. It is his first conductor project, in which he will surely try to utilise his experience collected during all the years spent by choir singing. Now and then he is also active in music compositions. |